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10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Custard Apples

Health Benefits Of Custard Apples

In India, the custard apple is better known as seetaphal and is one of the favorite fruits of many. The fruit has a fresh green color and is known for its mouth. Custard apple, known as sharifa or sitaphal in hindi, is high in nutrients and delicious in taste. Custard Apple is a sweet fruit, which is widely grown across the world. The fruit is compound in nature, measuring 3¼ to 6½ inches (8-16 cm) in diameter.

Health Benefits of Custard Apple

Healthy Skin and Hair  :-   High-levels of vitamin A, custard apple is great for healthy skin, healthy hair and better eyesight. It plays a role in moisturisation and anti-aging.

Maintains healthy heart:- Custard apples are loaded with magnesium and potassium that help in  healthy heart.

During Pregnancy  :- 

  1. Custard apple helps develop the brain of a fetus effectively.
  2. Custard apple helps develop nervous system of a fetus effectively.
  3. Custard apple helps develop  immune system of a fetus effectively.

Helps in fighting fatigue :- This fruit acts as an instant source of energy along with helping fight exhaustion and weakness.

Aids in healing process :-  With high levels of vitamin A, the pulpy flesh of custard apple acts as an effective natural remedy to treat ulcers and boils.

Improves digestion :- These fruits are rich in copper and dietary fibre, both of which are essential to keep your digestive tract healthy.

Replenish Your Energy Levels :-  Custard apple is an excellent source of energy. It helps to fight exhaustion and eliminates muscle weakness.

For A Strong Dental System:- The skin of custard apple is helpful for fighting against tooth and gum pain.

Thwarts Off Diabetes :- The fiber in custard apple slows down the absorption of sugar in the body, reducing the risk of Type two Diabetes.


Nutritional Facts of Custard Apple

The 100 gram of custard apple is having nutrition  in following forms:

  1. calories (80-101),
  2. protein (68g), fat (0.5g),
  3. carbohydrate (20g),
  4. fiber (0.9 g),
  5. calcium (17.6 mg),
  6. phosphorous (14.7mg),
  7. Iron (0.42 mg),
  8. carotene (0.007 mg),
  9. thiamine (0.075 mg),
  10. riboflavin (0.086 mg),
  11. niacin (0.528m),
  12. ascorbic acid (15 mg),
  13. nicotinic acid (0.5 mg).

Various Minerals & Vitamin Benefits :-

  • Vitamin A present in the fruit is good for hair, eyes and healthy skin.
  • Copper is yet another useful ingredient of custard apple.
  • It is a rich source of dietary fiber, which helps in digestion.Custard apple is a storehouse of Vitamin C, which is an anti-oxidant and helps in neutralizing free radicals.
  • As it contains low fat levels, it is good for maintaining optimum health.
  • The paste of the flesh of the fruit can be used for local application on ulcers, abscesses and boils.
  • The fruit, in its unripe form, can be dried, crushed and used for treating diarrhea and dysentery.
  • Custard apple contains magnesium, which plays vital role in relaxing muscles and protecting heart against diseases
  • Custard apple serves as an expectorant, stimulant, coolant and haematinic and is even useful in treating anemia.
  • Potassium and Vitamin B6 are also present in custard apple.
  • The seeds of the fruit have insecticidal and abortifacient properties.

Vitamin C  :-  Custard apple contains anti-oxidant vitamin C, which fights free radicals thereby preventing diseases.

Vitamin A :- Vitamin A in the fruits is beneficial in keeping skin and hair healthy. This vitamin is good for eyes too.

Potassium :- Potassium in the sweet fruits makes you active and removes the lethargies. Potassium also helps to fight muscle weakness.

Magnesium  :- Magnesium helps to maintain water balance in the body. It is good for arthritic patients by removing acids from joints.

Copper  :- Copper in custard apple works against constipation.

Fiber :-  It has plentiful of fiber, which is helpful in smooth digestion and eases constipation.

Tags: Custard (Dish) custard apple benefits custard apple fruit custard apple recipes custard apples Eating Health Benefits Of Custard Apples sugar apple

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