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Health Benefits of Apple, Beet Carrot Juice | The Benefits of Beet Juice for Sup

Health Benefits of Apple, Beet Carrot Juice | The Benefits of Beet Juice for Superhealthy Blood

 Helps with Anemia and Iron Deficiency :-

The fetus requires lots of iron to develop. Many women have low hemoglobin and do not have enough iron stored in their system. Iron supplements are something most pregnant women are asked to take. Moderate amounts of beetroot juice can help in overcoming this deficiency.

Lowers Blood Pressure :-

High blood pressure can be a cause to various dangers during pregnancy. It can decrease the blood flow to the placenta, cause premature delivery and more.

Makes the skin more beautiful :-

Skin changes are part of the numerous changes the body goes through during pregnancy. Carrot juice is known to have a terrific effect on the skin. It evens the skin tones, hydrates the skin, reduces scarring signs and more.

Beets and Blood Flow :-

Beet juice may increase blood flow to the brain and help prevent dementia, according to Wake Forest University researchers. The body converts nitrates in beets to nitric oxide, a compound that relaxes arteries and improves blood circulation and oxygenation within the brain. In the study, published in the January 2011 issue of the journal “Nitric Oxide,” older adult volunteers who consumed beet juice showed increased circulation to certain areas of the brain, including parts of the frontal lobes that control movement, planning and organizational skills and working memory.

Carrots and Cancer Prevention :-

Carrots may help prevent leukemia, according to a study published in the November 2011 issue of the “Journal of Medicinal Food.” In the tissue culture study, 72 hours of exposure to carrot juice extract promoted early cell death in human leukemia cells.Lately I heard of another few people, my friend’s friends, who are diagnosed withCANCER. As I sat and tried to recall my many friends who had suffered from various cancer, there are 24 of them! Sadly, 20 of them eventually died a very painful death not too long after diagnosis despite all the latest cancer treatments.

Beet Nutrient Content :-

An average 3-ounce beet provides 6 percent of your daily requirement for vitamin C, 4 percent of your daily requirement for iron and 8 percent of your daily requirement for fiber. Beets are also noted for their high levels of the B-complex vitamin folate, with 80 micrograms, or 20 percent of your daily requirement, in a 3.5-ounce serving. Folate is necessary for DNA production and amino acid metabolism and helps prevent neural tube defects. Folic acid also works with vitamins B6 and B12 to reduce blood levels of homocysteine, a compound that can promote inflammation.

Vitamin A and Vision :-

Beta-carotene, the orange pigment in carrots, is a substance that your body uses to produce vitamin A. This vitamin is well known for its role in promoting healthy vision, particularly the ability to see in low light conditions. Vitamin A, or retinol, is incorporated into the retina of the eye, where it initiates the transmission of light impulses to the brain. Deficiency of vitamin A leads to night blindness and a condition known as xerophthalmia, in which the cornea becomes dry.

Organic beet :-

Beets or beetroot are a rich source of phytonutrients like betanin that have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, coupled with a stimulating effect on the various detoxification pathways of your body and especially your liver. Betaine is another nutrient identified in beets that promotes the flow of bile for better digestion and improves liver detoxification. .

Tags: Beet Carrot Juice Health Benefits Health Benefits Apple The Benefits of Beet Juice for Superhealthy Blood

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