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The Health Benefits of Eating Meat

The Health Benefits of Eating Meat

Meat contains a number of minerals such as zinc and iron, and selenium. When compared with plant foods, red meat contains very high quantities of iron. Iron helps in forming hemoglobin that distributes oxygen throughout your body. A lack of iron can cause anemia and other disorders. Zinc is a mineral that promotes healthy skin and immune system. High amounts of zinc are found in red meat. A zinc deficiency may cause a decrease in appetite which can lead to anorexia. Many children have a zinc deficiency, and this can be solved by increasing their consumption of red meat. Meat is also a great source of selenium. Selenium aids your body in the breakdown of fat and other chemicals.

Supplies Protein :-

A 3-oz. serving of red meat supplies about half the protein an average adult needs in a daily diet. The protein you get from red meat contains all the amino acids necessary to build muscle and repair tissue. Muscle mass is essential because it gives you the ability to be physically active, but it also produces enzymes and hormones that help prevent illness. Protein has also been linked to weight loss, since it satisfies hunger and keeps your satisfied for hours following your meal.

Provides Iron :-

The Institute of Medicine recommends women consume 18 mg of iron each day and men consume 8 milligrams. Lean red meat supplies a good amount of iron, depending on the cut of the meat, and contains a form of iron more easily absorbed than the iron in plant-based foods. Adding red meat to your diet one or two times a week can help you consume the amount of iron your body needs for your red blood cells to transport enough oxygen to all the other parts of your body. Iron deficiencies can contribute to learning problems, low energy and behavioral issues. A 3-oz. serving of lean ground beef supplies 2.4 mg, and a serving of lean pot roast supplies 2.6 mg.

Contains Zinc :-

Another benefit of adding lean red meat to your diet is that it supplies a good dose of zinc. You need zinc from foods because it helps build muscle mass, strengthens your immune system and helps promote a healthy brain. The average person needs 15 mg of zinc each day. A 3-oz. portion of lean ground beef contains 5.5 mg of zinc, and a serving of sirloin steak supplies 6.2 mg.

Provides B Vitamins :-

Lean red meat is a natural source of many B vitamins. Eating foods that contain naturally occurring B vitamins is important because it helps promote a healthy body. Lean red meat contains B-12 for a healthy nervous system and B-6 for a strong immune system. Red meat also contains niacin, another B vitamin that aids in digestion, as well as riboflavin for healthy skin and eyes.

Lowers the risk of breast cancer :-

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) present in milk slows the development of mammary tumours in animals. Postmenopausal women with high levels of CLA in their blood and fatty tissue have a 70 per cent lower chance of breast cancer.

Fights hypertension :-

A study titled, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), showed that people consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables have lower blood pressures. Add three servings of milk products and the blood pressure lowering effect is doubled. This results in fewer heart attacks and stroke. The DASH diet also lowers homocysteine levels, a risk factor in heart disease, the nations number one killer.

Fights Insulin Resistance Syndrome (IRS) :-

People who are obese and have hypertension, decreased amounts of good cholesterol (HDL), impaired glucose metabolism and high blood triglyceride have what doctors call IRS. This combination of problems now affects 25 per cent of the population and interferes with the body’s ability to control blood sugar. The end result is often diabetes which affects 5 per cent of the population. Those who consumed a low level of milk products tripled their risk of developing IRS.

A natural treatment for the Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) :-

Studies show that women with PMS appear to have abnormalities in calcium metabolism. And that women taking 1000 to 1300 milligrams of calcium rich foods such as milk experience significant improvements in mood, behaviour, pain and bloating during the menstrual cycle.

Helps to keep teeth for a lifetime :-

Children are taught that calcium in milk helps to build strong teeth. But few know that milk protein and cheese fight the formation of dental plaque and help to coat the teeth. This decreases the amount of fermentable carbohydrate in the mouth and the risk of dental caries.

The prime way to stay out of a wheelchair :-

Too many people still haven’t heard the message that milk and dairy products are the prime way to combat brittle bones. It’s a tragedy that young people are drinking huge amounts of soft drinks loaded with sugar when they should be drinking milk. Consuming three glasses of milk daily builds strong bones early in life. Later, as we age we lose bone, so having powerful bones in youth is the best insurance policy to stay on your feet rather than in a wheelchair.

Lowers the chance of developing ovarian malignancy :-

In a study of 588 women with ovarian cancer those with the highest intake of milk and dairy calcium halved their risk of ovarian cancer. But calcium supplements and non-dairy food sources of calcium did not provide this protection.

Tags: Food & Recipes

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